Handcrafted with passion in Potrero de los Funes

Unlike the classic Dry Gin, our Eternal Gin, in our 6 styles, has a modern and refreshing fruit, citrus and herbaceous contributions. To do this, we select the best botanics, and thanks to our mountain water, we achieve a Premium product, unique, with great personality, which facilitates its preparation and simplifies its service..

mayoristaWe macerate our Eternal Gin liter by liter, so that each batch we distill in copper, always has the same flavor. We do it by hand. As it should be. With the best botanics, great water, and specially, a lot of passion..

Gin Eternal - Perfect Serve

  • Botanic

  • Fill your glass with ice cubes
  • Pour 2 oz of Gin Eternal Botanic (60cc)
  • Add a lemon slice
  • Fill to the top with a low bitter tonic water
  • Cheers!
  • Pink, Blue and Mint

  • Fill your glass with ice cubes
  • Pour 2 oz of Gin Eternal Pink, Blue or Mint
  • Add an orange or grapefruit slice
  • Fill to the top with a low bitter tonic water
  • Refreshing!
  • Oak

  • Put 2 ice cubes in your glass
  • Pour 2 oz of Gin Eternal Oak (60cc)
  • If you prefer a soft drink, you can add a little of low bitter tonic water
  • Delicious!
We love what we do. We are involved in every little process of our products. Because we enjoy it. A lot.
We love what we do. We are involved in every little process of our products. Because we enjoy it. A lot.
We are 3 partners, entrepreneurs and restless, who never stop innovating to bring the best product to our customers.
We are 3 partners, entrepreneurs and restless, who never stop innovating to bring the best product to our customers.

"We are Marca País. Proud of our origins"

🇦🇷 Marca País Argentina is a state policy that seeks to position the country abroad through factors that differentiate us and make local identity such as our traditions, culture, gastronomy and regional products. Eternal Gin, handcrafted in Potrero de los Funes with aguaribay and water from the mountains, is a great ambassador of ours and since FIT 2021 - International Tourism Fair of Latin America it has also become a product that bears the seal of #MarcaPaís.

Take a look